Friday, October 28, 2005

Canada's Katrina - No Hurricane Necessary

In case Canadians were at all feeling smug after Katrina, there's this story.

I've lived in four countries other than Canada and for the most part, I can hold my head high as a Canadian (but not get all preachy, you know, 'cos no one likes that). The one and only topic that continually causes me to cringe is our past and present treatement of our First Nations people.

What amazed me even more, when working a summer job at Customs Canada, was hearing civil servants complain about "those people" who don't even pay taxes and just lie about drunk downtown. I don't know about you but if I was forced, within several generations, to watch most of my people die of foreign diseases, have my freedom and land taken away from me, be moved to the land nobody wanted and be forced to catch up with about a thousand years of European cultural development, not to mention a possible genetic predisposition to alcoholism, I'd be a little bummed.


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